Local Races – TRITTICO 2016

Trittico 2016Trittico 2016 – 3rd edition – races in the Venetian lagoon

Run all the 3 stages of Trittico 2016 to discover a different Venice and meet a lot of friends.

UPDATE: due to unfriendly weather conditions the 1st stage of TRITTICO 2016 has been postponed to Fri 17th June, same location and time


Trittico 2016 is a 3 stages race born from the will of Venetian runners, mainly belonging to Venezia Triathlon a.s.d., animated by the passion of gathering all the runners in Venice (Italians or foreigners) and have fun running together. For this reason, every race has a different path mixing sand, soft ground, tarmac but has the same finish: a nice refreshment to share emotions.

Programme Trittico 2016 – 3rd edition
3 stages
3 locations
3 runs (non competitive)

1st stage “to run where we never ran”: 9th June 2016, Lido island, Venice
2nd stage “to explore the islands of the Venetian lagoon”: 23rd June 2016, San Servolo island, Venice
3rd stage “to run against the time”: 9th July 2016, Lido island, Venice

Fees: 1st stage 10.00 €; 2nd stage 10.00 €; 3rd stage 15.00 €. All the 3 stages: 30.00 €.

Refreshments and awards included in the reistration fees for each stage.

Check out our facebook page to stay up-to-date on each stage details.

Trittico 2016 is powered by our friends of Venezia Triathlon a.s.d. .

General enquiries: info@veneziatriathlon.it

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